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Six Books That Will Change Your Life

Posted on: September 22, 2022

Posted by Ashley

Here at Pulse Marketing, we are big readers! One of our core values is being growth-minded, and one of the best and easiest ways to grow is through reading. And while you can find wisdom in every book, some books can completely transform your life – if you take their message to heart.

Check out these six books we think you should add to your TBR list today.

Thanks A Thousand by A.J. Jacobs

What I love about this book is that it started as an experiment. Jacobs decided to combat his growing sense of apathy and constant worry by thanking every single person who helped contribute to his morning cup of coffee. He quickly realized how many people had a hand in making it possible for him to pop into his local coffee shop and grab a cup of joe. Not just the barista, but the lid designer, the farmer, the trucker, the people who maintain highways… The list went on and on. But more than creating a giant list of contributors, this little experiment taught him why practicing gratitude is so important and how it can change perspectives and maybe even the world.

Why we think you should read Thanks a Thousand 

We all know how important gratitude is to living a happy and fulfilling life, but it’s easy to forget. We need regular habits in our lives to remind us just how good our lives really are. Genuinely thanking the people we interact with is the perfect small step in establishing those habits. So if you’ve been feeling down about the state of the world or are having a hard time practicing gratitude, this short, 137-page book could be just what you need!

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

I could write a whole list of books by the glorious Brene Brown that everyone should read, but if I had to pick just one to recommend, it would be Daring Greatly. Vulnerability is a word thrown around often, but what does it even mean? Why is it such a big deal? How does being vulnerable impact our lives, and how has a lack of vulnerability affected us as a society? These are the big questions Brene Brown dives deep into answering. This book will make you laugh and cry and empower you to live a brave life that dares greatly. 

Why we think you should read Daring Greatly

 In a world full of Instagram filters, cancel culture, and internet anonymity, it can feel like we’re all hiding who we really are. But what if what this world needs is the real you? What if there was a way to live boldly, free of shame or the pressure to be someone you’re not? To try new things, take risks, fail, and live your best life? If you’ve ever felt gripped by shame or the need to be perfect or struggled with boundaries or poor self-esteem, this book will crack you open in the best way possible and offer some much-needed hope.  

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

If you are a creative person in any way (and spoiler; you are), this book is an absolute must! Elizabeth Gilbert takes us on a journey in four parts that explores the relationship between humans and creativity. This book is chock-full of wisdom about what it means to be a creative human, how to engage with the creativity all around you, and how to bravely step into your creative calling. Full of wit and wisdom, Big Magic is like a warm hug, encouraging you to be your best creative self.

Why we think you should read Big Magic

I am a little biased when it comes to this book. I re-read Big Magic every year because it is so good! Every time I open it, I take away something new that has made me a better artist and person. If you struggle with falling into the trap of the “tragic artist” or have let outside voices discourage you from creating, this book will change your life. Not only that, but this book does such an excellent job of challenging our preconceived notions of what creativity is, how to access it, and what to do with our creativity. It will reignite your passions and remind you of all the incredible magic that fills our lives. If you are ready to expand as a creative, this book must be at the top of your reading list!

The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

Let’s face it; our world can be a very unhappy place. In fact, we often shame people who are happy for not taking life seriously enough. But what if the opposite is true? What if we become empowered to care about the things that matter more by improving our happiness? Gretchen Rubin spent an entire year living out an experiment in happiness, tackling these questions and more. What she learned changed her life, gave her meaning and purpose, and strengthened every one of her relationships. This book is all about giving you the tools to do the same.

Why we think you should read The Happiness Project

I’ll be honest, when I first heard about this book from a couple friends, I rolled my eyes. Nothing annoys me more than toxic positivity, and that’s exactly what I assumed this book was. But then I had a long drive, and one of those friends recommended the companion podcast. Three episodes in, I was sold. This book isn’t a cheesy Influencer mantra in disguise but a collection of wisdom and science about how to live a life you actually enjoy. If you are ready to take control of your life and infuse it with a whole lot of happiness, definitely check out this book! (And don’t miss that podcast either!)

Quitter by Jon Acuff

We’ve all heard crazy success stories about that person with a dream who does a crazy thing and quits their job, sells everything they own, runs away to live in a forest, and then returns to society as an overnight sensation. These stories get our blood pumping, and we get excited for our underdog who actually made it! Part of us wishes that could be us, that we could do something crazy to make our dreams come true. But what if we don’t have to? What if there is another way to close the gap between your day job and your dream job? A method that doesn’t create stress for your family or completely unravel your life? And what if you already have everything you need to make your dream a reality?

Why we think you should read Quitter

When a mentor of mine suggested this book, I was initially excited, then slightly offended. I love to quit things! But the idea that quitting everything that wasn’t my dream might not be the best route to get to that dream, well, that I didn’t love. However, we’ve all got big dreams we want to achieve (whether related to our job or not), and dramatically leaving the reality of our everyday lives isn’t an option for most of us. So if you are in a place of asking yourself how do you reach your career or creative goals without upending your whole life, this book is an excellent guide.

Atomic Habits by James Clear

We all have something we want to change about our life. We all have big dreams and goals we want to achieve. Most of us try reaching those goals by creating giant to-do lists, elaborate plans, or completely new routines. And no matter how good our intentions, so many of us fail. Why? Do we not want it enough? Are we not disciplined enough? Or perhaps, are we going about changing our lives in the wrong way? What would happen if we changed our mindset about our habits? What if the key to making those habits stick isn’t big grand plans but tiny, manageable shifts in our everyday lives?

Why we think you should read Atomic Habits

If you haven’t already read this book, get on it, especially if you are someone who has struggled with goal setting in the past. James Clear breaks down the science of achieving goals and creating new habits in an easy-to-understand way. This book will help shift your perspective on how we set new goals, as well as provide you with the tools you need to make the changes you’re after. 

I know that the idea of changing our lives can often feel overwhelming. And maybe looking at this list, you’re unsure where to start. My advice is to pick the book that stands out to you the most and read it slowly. Grab a highlighter and mark that baby up! The magic of books is that as we read ways to change our lives and perspectives, we’re rewiring our brains to believe that we can change our lives and perspectives. The first step to any change is taking the first step, and any of these books would be a perfect first step to a whole new you.

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