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Benefits of a Mobile App for Your Business

Posted on: April 15, 2019
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Posted by Elizabeth

I have said it before, and I will say it again. The future is MOBILE.

There is no denying that mobile devices are taking center stage in the world of e-commerce. More Americans not only own mobile devices but also purchase online through their mobile devices. Since 2018, around 79% of smartphone users have made a purchase online using their mobile phone. Not only that, but 40% of all purchases during the 2018 holiday season were made on a smartphone. 

It’s clear that your mobile presence as a business or brand is important. That’s why I have stressed in the past the importance of mobile and how to make your website mobile friendly.

But what about mobile apps for your business?

Not only can a mobile-friendly website benefit your business, but so can a mobile application. For instance, look at how multiple businesses in the food industry have incorporated mobile apps to increase sales. Companies like Starbucks and Dominoes have recognized the needs of their customers and created solutions to benefit them through rewards programs, online ordering, and delivery services. Through their mobile apps, they have brought more value to their customers, ultimately resulting in a boost in sales. 

Other industries that have benefited from mobile applications:

  •     Hospitality 
  •     Entertainment and Media
  •     Healthcare
  •     Finance
  •     Travel

Each of these industries has the opportunity to better connect with their customers and increase customer loyalty through specific features in a mobile app versus just through a website. 

Mobile App Vs. Website

Yes, it is true that consumers view websites on their phones and they offer other features to customers, but websites have limited functionality. Mobile apps, on the other hand, allow the user to connect with other features on their phones, which allows for more functionality and features. For example, banks like Bank of America have incorporated mobile check depositing through their mobile app by taking a photo of their check through the app itself and uploading it on the spot to be deposited. This feature is only available on the app and not on their website; if you were on the mobile version of their website, you still wouldn’t be able to access your phone’s camera due to its limitations. Apps, however, are created in order to connect with the features you allow, therefore as long as you allow camera access, you can use your app to deposit your checks on your phone. 

Offering these types of services through apps help your brand stand out and add more value to the customer. The more value you bring, the greater your return.  

Mobile Apps: Biggest Takeaway  

Ultimately, mobile apps aren’t necessary for every business model. But depending on your industry and the services you provide, you can greatly stand out from your competitors, boost sales, increase customer loyalty, and earn recognition by creating a mobile app for your business. 

 Remember these key takeaways when thinking of creating an app: 

  1.   The point of a mobile app is to make things easier for your customer – don’t overcomplicate it. 
  2.   Remember the features on your phone that you can connect your app to.
  3.   Your mobile app should not only help your customer and bring value but also double as a way to help your own business needs.


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