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Advantages of Working With a Marketing Agency Vs In-House

Posted on: January 20, 2020
Pulse Marketing Blog Image Marketing Agency Vs In-House

Posted by Max

I get it – there’s obviously a bit of bias here, seeing as I work for an agency. However, I do have the benefit of having worked as an in-house marketer with no agency backing. I’ve seen and lived both worlds. My goal in this article is to be as honest as possible to give you a bit of perspective. From my prior experiences and a true breakdown of agency vs. in-house marketing.


As much as I’d love to be an expert in everything when it comes to marketing – I know I have strengths in certain areas and weaknesses in others. I may be a “jack-of-all-trades”,  but there are areas I excel in and other realms I fall short. My design skills are lacking and I’m no John Caples when it comes to copy. However, I can get you a solid programmatic marketing strategy implemented in no time at all or build you a great website. Our agency team thrives on its diverse skill set – we are all experts in different strategies, verticals, and technologies. When you bring our brains together we have neurons firing on all levels with a marketing strategy and design skills that are difficult to compete with.

The cost, time, and management of bringing on an entire marketing team in-house is usually out of reach. Especially for many smaller sized businesses – which is where an agency can help fill the void. Hiring a jack-of-all-trades, while useful, could leave you stuck. Either in one type of medium or strategic plan that may or may not work for your industry. Not to mention, you may not need a full-time designer or ad manager, but would see great results from having them at your disposal on a budget you can afford.


With the average junior and senior marketer staying in a position 1.5 – 2 years[1], can you really afford to reteach and retrain your new hires that frequently? With an agency, you have an entire team attached to your account – so if one were to leave there is always someone to step in, as well as train new agency employees on your business and industry at no additional cost or loss to you.

I’m sure most people would also agree excitement and diversity are keys to creativity. At an agency, the team you’re assigned to work with is handling multiple types of clients and industries. There is always a level of excitement and freshness when working with your account.

Strategic Partners

At Pulse Marketing I treat every client as my partner – I want them to succeed. Their growth means my growth, therefore we make sure to treat every project we work on with the dedication and passion it deserves. Are you curious about what it looks like to work with a marketing agency? I’d love to schedule a free discovery call to see where we can help you meet and exceed your goals, reach out to me today at max@heartofcreative.com or 951.459.9002.


[1] https://bernhart.com/ecommerce-hiring-director/


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