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For the Love of Knowledge

Posted on: May 10, 2020
Pulse Marketing Blog Post Image - Gaining Knowledge

Posted by ADIAN

​Knowledge is a beautiful thing. There is an abundance of knowledge to be gained through so many subjects and from individuals with different ideas and facts. In my own journey towards acquiring knowledge I do not discriminate against any field. I choose to immerse myself mainly in subjects such as philosophy, politics, and human nature. These tend to be my favorite and most in-depth intellectual conversations.

​Although these are all great topics to discuss, having the knowledge that best fits your line of work and is most useful for your brand is the most valuable knowledge you can have in all aspects. Knowing your brand is an important aspect in gaining the ideal customer and building customer loyalty. Your brand is how people get to know you and your company. As people get to know your brand your success will be something for you to be excited about. That’s why it’s imperative to know how to represent yourself and how you can use your brand to your fullest advantage.

​One thing that sets us apart as an agency is our desire to get to know you as an individual. We do this so that we can accurately represent you and your company’s image in the most effective way possible. Your success is our top priority. 

​Working for a marketing agency, the knowledge you gain is insurmountable. There are so many different markets and types of customers, it is very interesting. During my personal experience of working for a marketing agency (just as an accountant) I’ve learned a lot, such as: how color schemes affect the mood and tone of your brand, the importance of having a strong website, and how social media helps you and your client base stay connected. 

​Not only have I been able to learn about the extremely rad things that we offer, but I’ve also been able to learn about the process. Trust me when I tell you that my team members are absolute wizards. Everything that goes into creating your website or developing the optimal marketing strategy is a cumulation of their knowledge and experience. Just overhearing them sharing ideas and strategies show their level of knowledge based on research and industry experience.

​One of our company values is “Data drives decisions not opinions”. For us at Pulse, we hold this gospel to a high degree. It is important to us that we show this in our work and client relations to create more productive, knowledge-based results.

Knowledge will always be something I love gaining more of. While intellectual conversations about philosophy and other various topics may be enlightening, having the knowledge to succeed in business may prove to be more useful. Knowing your company and your brand could help improve your business, customer loyalty, and your marketing moving forward.

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