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How to Make Yourself Stand Out in a New Job

Posted on: October 19, 2021
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Posted by Marley

Starting any new job is an exciting time! It’s a milestone and a step towards something better! But, as with all change, it can be scary to step into a whole new set of responsibilities and expectations. So, here are some tips that could help you make yourself stand out from the crowd at your new job and start working with your best foot forward.

1. Make a list of goals to accomplish and communicate them

Nothing is more impressive than someone who is genuinely excited to start work… except someone who is excited AND has a plan. Once you’ve been told what your role and expectations are, decide what your personal goals will be in your role. These goals should show your chops as an employee and ultimately benefit the team and your company. Let your team know! “Hey, here are some goals that I am looking to accomplish.” Make sure they are specific, relevant, attainable, measurable, and time-bound so you and your team can watch you accomplish them!

2. Make a one page plan

It’s game plan time. How will you make your goals a reality? How long will it take? How will you measure your goals to be sure they are realistic and attainable? Now is time to get serious and break your goals down into more manageable chunks. For example, maybe one of your goals is reducing the average response time to client emails by 50% — how will you do that? Perhaps over the course of the next six months, you will measure the amount of time it takes you to respond to a client email with a time tracking software and do your best to make email responses your priority. Whatever it is: PUT IT IN YOUR ONE PAGE PLAN! 

3. Introduce yourself to everyone

A team player is the best kind of player! Don’t keep to yourself in this new environment. Get to know the people you work with! Ask people to lunch, to grab coffee, or even to chat during a quick break. Not only will this boost team morale, but it will also create a support system for you! When you’re overwhelmed or need a creative boost, a quick coffee and some words of affirmation from a kind co-worker could be just the boost you need!

4. Brush up on basic professional skills

Reminder: being a forever student is one of the most valuable skills. People love people who love learning! So brush up on the basics before your first day. Make sure you know how to send the PERFECT professional email, how to use the programs your resume says you’re “proficient” in, and anything else you think you may need to be successful in your new position. 

5. Ask for opportunities to learn and grow in your position

See an opening? Ask for a learning opportunity! Your eagerness to learn and help the company in any way possible will make you stand out and assist you in your professional pursuits! Your new skills can help you grow to new positions and responsibilities within the company, or they could help you solidify a job at a different organization once you decide it is time to move on! 

6. Have conversations about your future at the company

Honesty is always the best policy. When given the opportunity, it can be incredibly helpful to have truthful conversations about concerns, room for improvement, and your thoughts about your future endeavors with the company! This will promote a culture of openness and honesty throughout your working relationships and make your new environment a more positive place. 

We know you’ll crush it at your new job! Especially when you implement these helpful tips, you’ll be getting promotions and growing both personally and professionally in no time! So remember, always have a growth mindset, be open to getting to know everyone, and most importantly, BE YOURSELF!

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