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How to Increase Your Website Speed and Stop Losing Customers

Posted on: December 15, 2017
Pulse Marketing Blog Image - Site Speed

Posted by Max

Today’s modern society craves instant gratification. We can walk into our neighborhood Starbucks and have our white mocha latte sitting for us, hot and ready on the counter if we pre-order on their app. Amazon now offers same day delivery. We can click a button and receive our item delivered to our doorstep within hours. With that mentality comes a society with little patience for waiting.

How often have you visited a website only to be greeted by a long loading time, and then ultimately abandoned the page and went somewhere else? You aren’t alone. This chart below shows page abandonment based on page loading time. Each second your page is slow to load you are losing potential visitors, leads, etc.

Every Second Counts



If you own a website, I highly encourage to run a few simple tests to see where your site stands. Google’s PageSpeed Insights is a great place to start. Simply enter your sites URL, and press analyze. You’ll be given a score for the mobile analysis as well as desktop, in addition to some suggestions for how to improve it. Pingdom also offers a great tool to show you page loading sites and other suggestions to improve it.

Here are some quick and easy ways to increase your site speed and score. Use a tool like Compressior.io to reduce image file sizes without sacrificing quality, and if you’re using WordPress as a CMS you can minify JS and CSS using the Autoptimize plugin. Many web hosts have the option of adding a CDN for an additional fee or you can use a 3rd party service which will cache your site and improve it’s performance. WordPress also has plenty of plugins in its repository to assist in caching. If you’re still seeing poor scores and slow loading times it’s time to get down to the source. Make sure the hosting you’re using is up to par. For some database intensive sites a simple shared hosting plan may not be enough. A VPN or Dedicated Server may be required.

Ultimately, you want to make sure that you’re not losing customers before they even walk through the door. By increasing your page speed and customer retention, you lower your bounce rate. It subsequently also improves your SEO so it’s a win-win all around!

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