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Go Outside and Read a Book

Posted by Marley You heard me. How long have you been in front of your computer screen? Two hours… three? Even the fancy blue light glasses you ordered off of Amazon can’t save your eyeballs from that. So take a deep breath, stretch, pick up a book (yes, it’s okay to...

Why You Should Write That To-Do List

Posted by Courtney Overwhelmed, forgetful, stressed, not sure where to begin. Does that sound like you? If so, I have a solution that might help you out or at least take some of the stress off your shoulders. Write a to-do list. I know that might seem like an...

Get Over Your Fear of Failure

Posted by Marley Failure. An ugly, seven letter word that nobody ever wants to hear. We have been so programmed to avoid failure at all costs, that we have begun to fear it. Some have such a crushing fear of failure, that instead of spending their life chasing their...

Desk Job Got You Lazy?

Posted by Baylee Does your job allow you to be active throughout the day? Yeah, me neither. If you are anything like me you sit at a desk for hours and hours with very minimal physical activity. I want to be more active, but I sometimes find myself missing that...

It’s Time to Clock Out!

Posted by BAYLEE Everyone has heard the saying, ‘all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.’ This means that without time off from work or taking the necessary breaks, a person will become both bored and boring. When it’s time to clock out for the day or even for the...

For the Love of Knowledge

Posted by ADIAN ​Knowledge is a beautiful thing. There is an abundance of knowledge to be gained through so many subjects and from individuals with different ideas and facts. In my own journey towards acquiring knowledge I do not discriminate against any field. I...