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The Subtle Art of Heartfelt

Posted on: November 29, 2021
Pulse Marketing Blog Image - The Subtle Art of Heartfelt

Posted by Marley

If you know Pulse, you know that heartfelt might as well be our middle name. It’s plastered all over our website and ingrained in the foundation of our branding.

But what does it really mean?

/ˈhärtˌfelt/ adjective
(of a feeling or its expression) sincere; deeply and strongly felt.
Similar: sincere, genuine, unfeigned, deeply felt, from the heart, earnest

Our marketing is different. Every company can say it, and use it as a selling point. But few can back it up like Pulse can. Authenticity, sincerity, and deep emotional connection are rare in the world of advertising. Modern advertisements and marketing gimmicks lure you in with psychological attractions: sex, empty promises, and clickbait.

We tug at your heartstrings. We dig deep to find out what your story is, and we do everything in our power to highlight you and make your company shine.

Our mission is to make a significant difference in the lives of others and inspire them to accomplish great things. When it comes to our purpose, we’ve found that people don’t fall in love with ideas; they fall in love with how those ideas make them feel. We connect people with brands by creating engaging content that captures the heart of every business.

As a creative writer, that means finding and developing your voice. A unique combination of tone, mood, and inflection that is consistent throughout every piece of content that we produce for you! Our goal is always to amplify you; to uplift your experiences and personality and personify YOU through branding that is authentic and real.

We work hard to make sure that we stay away from gimmicks. Yes, things like sex and clickbait sell, but only in the short term. We create branding that is long-term and emotionally stimulating. Again, just to drive the point home – people don’t fall in love with ideas. They fall in love with the way that ideas make them feel. That means those gimmicks will never be enough to capture a client or customer’s heart.

Authenticity is one of our core values and our top goal when creating your proposal. Therefore, we’ll never suggest you do or say anything that doesn’t stay true to you and your values.

Some of my favorite examples of heartfelt marketing is our work for Pro-Craft Construction. I’m sure that when you think of construction, your first thoughts are not “Aww how sweet. That really tugs at my heartstrings.”

And that is why I am so proud to be a part of Pulse Marketing.

Because we did that. We make you say “Aww” when you read Pro-Craft’s story, their messaging, their purpose statement.

More specifically, in the month of November, Pro-Craft raises money for the PADRE Foundation; a non-profit funding research, assisting families and providing fun experiences for children with Type 1 Diabetes. A part of Pro-Craft’s story is that Kaylyn, one of the youngest members of the Pro-Craft family, has Type 1 Diabetes, and it changed her life forever. Because that part of their story has so deeply affected their lives, they rely on us to help them raise awareness and as much money as possible; to help under and uninsured parents get necessary medical supplies, to research treatment options, and to allow children with Type 1 to experience the fun of summer camp without parents having to worry about their health and safety.

More broadly, one of Pro-Craft’s values is that they build for the future. When Pro-Craft Construction is on a job site, they aren’t thinking about themselves. They’re imagining their future grandchildren playing in a safe park, attending a structurally sound school, and having access to clean water in the city in which they will grow up in.

We make sure that every single one of Pro-Craft’s prospective clients knows and understands WHO they are hiring and WHY. Not just that these men and women are good at what they do. But what makes them want to be good at what they do. Why they come to work every day. And why they are the most trustworthy to have on any project imaginable.

Our heartfelt approach to marketing allows Pro-Craft to shine and appeal to customers who care about family, safety, and dedication to project completion that stretches beyond the foreseeable future.

We prioritized and emphasized research so that we could understand to the fullest extent Pro-Craft’s processes, safety regulations, and purpose. Our research helped us develop the brand’s distinct voice; heartfelt yet serious, strong, and safety-oriented. In everything we write we ensure that we never lose sight of the unique attributes that make Pro-Craft so special:

Family and future-oriented, indescribably safe, strictly business but caring beyond belief.

We captured their brand’s soul. We are constantly pursuing authenticity in every avenue, and in everything we write. Our emotional storytelling has assisted Pro-Craft in portraying their true essence to every potential client.

The long relationship that we have been lucky enough to foster with Pro-Craft Construction has empowered them to tell their story, and to share the vulnerable parts of what makes them unique.

For the third time – people don’t fall in love with ideas. So the idea of “Pro-Craft is dedicated to safe and efficient project completion” is great.

But people fall in love with the way ideas make them feel. “Pro-Craft is dedicated to safe and efficient project completion because we understand that everything we build is for our grandchildren — the next generation of builders and movers and shakers.”

Who knew that a construction company could make you feel so… “Awwww?”


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